Monday, September 13, 2010

:My Opening Statement:

Welcome to the First of (what I hope to be) many blogs.

I'm 33 years old. I have a beautiful wife and a rather handsome young stepson (who's loving school right now). I'm a Marine Corps Veteran who served for 4 1/2 years and who participated in Operation's Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom which took place after 9/11. I have worked some interesting jobs, been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in my life and I try to pass what I've learned on to others who are coming after me.

Now, I've always had a lot of ideas banging around in my head and I figured I needed some sort of release, a place to share what I'm thinking and express my opinions on just about anything and everything that I can think of (with some exceptions). A lot of what is happening in this day and age is sometimes quite aggravating to me as a veteran, a Christian and an American who was born and raised in one of the greatest nations around. I am also an aspiring graphic designer/artist and am currently attending Broome Community College, so not everything is going to be about what irritates me (although there is a lot of that in my head). I also hope to employ my brand of humor into some of the things I write.

There you have it, just a simple (if not broad) description of who I am and what I will be writing about.

So ready or not, here we go...